Donate to our Investigations Unit.

Make an urgent donation to support our Investigations Unit and sustain our lobbying and legal efforts to end the live sheep export trade as soon as possible.
Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated June 13, 2023

What Animals Australia investigators discovered in Oman recently can only be described as a total disregard for Australian live export rules – exposing countless animals to brutal slaughter.

Here in Australia, the industry’s PR machine has been in full swing – pitching a story of reform to rally support against the Albanese government’s planned phase-out of live sheep exports.

While overseas, the sheep they are responsible for are having their throats cut on crude concrete slabs.

And once again, the only reason that anybody – including the Commonwealth regulator –  is aware that live export regulations are being flagrantly breached is because of an Animals Australia investigation.

The importance of our investigations and work on behalf of the victims of live export has never been more evident. 


Help us be where the animals need us

It was evidence gathered by Animals Australia investigators that forced regulations that require animals to be kept within approved supply chains. Sheep are no longer allowed to be transported in utes and car boots or sold for home slaughter.

Yet, our extensive evidence across over a dozen locations in Oman reveals these rules being ignored, with some sellers even confirming they receive a constant supply of Australian sheep – in breach of live export regulations.

Some even told us they are expecting an influx of Australian sheep for the impending Festival of Sacrifice – a peak time of animal suffering in the region.

Animals Australia has lodged the evidence with the live export regulator, the Federal Department of Agriculture. This marks our 72nd legal complaint since regulations were put in place 11 years ago, further reinforcing that export companies cannot be trusted to police their own activities.

And the only reason we can be the watchdog this industry desperately needs is because of the generosity of our supporters. 

Please consider making an urgent donation to support our critical live export work.