Pledge to never buy kangaroo meat or products and protect kangaroos in Australia!

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Make a powerful change for kangaroos and their joeys

Protect kangaroos in Australia: By refusing to buy products made from kangaroo meat and skins, you will help spare these gentle native animals and their joeys from suffering and death.

A kangaroo and joey hold one another, the joey is looking right at the camera.

Make a powerful change for kangaroos and their joeys

Protect kangaroos in Australia: By refusing to buy products made from kangaroo meat and skins, you will help spare these gentle native animals and their joeys from suffering and death.

“I pledge to never buy kangaroo meat, pet food or leather to help end the cruelty of the kangaroo killing industry – I believe these iconic native animals and their joeys deserve to be protected.”
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Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated October 12, 2022

Kangaroos are being shot and their joeys bludgeoned to death every night in Australia.

By day, they delight tourists and feature on advertisements around the world attracting visitors to Australia. Under the cover of darkness, they are ruthlessly killed for profit, and their joeys — unable to be sold for profit — are brutally ‘disposed of’ or left to die.

Many people are shocked to discover that the Australian federal government allows for millions of kangaroos to be commercially slaughtered. Even after the devastating 2019-20 summer fires ravaged much of the country, the Australian Federal Government continued to give shooters a green light to kill millions of these gentle animals — all for the sake of profit. 

Kangaroos can be shot but escape and suffer in agony for days or weeks with bullets to the face, neck and body. Their joeys are legally ripped from their mothers’ pouches and decapitated or smacked against a ute tray until they die. There is nobody tracking how many kangaroos and joeys are harmed by shooters but manage to escape being killed quickly… though it has been estimated that as many as 440,000 dependent young kangaroos in New South Wales and Queensland alone are either clubbed to death every year, or left to starve after their mothers are killed.

Kangaroos are gentle, social animals and devoted mothers. Their joeys rely on them for up to eighteen months and are completely vulnerable if their mothers are targeted by shooters. 

While this iconic native species is beloved by people the world over, sadly in Australia decision-makers continue to abandon them to extreme cruelty. The kangaroo killing industry has a vested interest in the mass slaughter of these gentle animals. Every time a kangaroo product is sold – whether it be dog treats and ‘pet food’, meat sold in restaurants and supermarkets, and skins used to make bags, shoes and other ‘leather‘ products – it supports an industry that sees kangaroos and joeys as nothing more than dollar signs.

You can change that. By pledging to never buy kangaroo products, you’re helping to protect kangaroos in Australia. You’re sending the powerful message to governments and industries that caring people want to see these animals protected – not brutally killed.

Protect kangaroos in Australia: Make a powerful change for kangaroos and their joeys today!

 signatures and counting.
Animals Australia
“I pledge to never buy kangaroo meat, 'pet food' or 'leather' to help end the cruelty of the kangaroo killing industry – I believe these iconic native animals and their joeys deserve to be protected.”
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By completing this action, you give permission for Animals Australia to contact you. You can unsubscribe from updates at any time.


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Your name has been added to the other currently on the pledge.
Help us spread the word and encourage others to sign the pledge to end animal cruelty by sharing it on social media.

This pledge plays a vital role — but you can have an even greater impact for animals today.


Being empowered to change how these animals are treated starts with being informed. You can learn more about the issue of kangaroo shooting here, or by streaming the acclaimed documentary ‘Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story’. Here are some other meaningful ways to help kangaroos and their joeys:

  1. If you live in Victoria, your voice is currently especially powerful in the lead-up to the state election! Speak up here to call for Victorian kangaroos and their joeys to be protected.
  2. Add your voice to calls for an end to the commercial slaughter of kangaroos Australia-wide.
  3. Check out the Centre for a Humane Economy’s global campaign to dissuade Nike and other major brands from using kangaroo ‘leather’ in their sports shoes.
  4. Contact Australia’s major supermarkets Coles & Woolworths (via feedback form) and ask them to stop supporting the cruel kangaroo killing industry.

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